Backwoods Sculpture:Ossipee Mountain Range

Volcanic magma: pressure and heat helped create the geological phenomonon known as columnar joining.
Heron Breakfast Spot

Great Blue Heron, Fernalds Basin, Lake Wentworth Heron breakfast spot in the pre-dawn. Image taken at Fernald’s Basin, Lake Wentworth, Wolfeboro, NH. This is one of the first wildlife photos that I was really proud of. I’ve evolved quite a bit since then but I love the mood of this image. It has a softer prehistoric feel. Be sure to check out my gallery and Etsy store for wildlife and nature photography. Thanks, Jeremy.
Downtown Wolfeboro

Downtown Wolfeboro winter mix -weather and photos.
Painfully Beautiful, The Broads

Painfully beautiful, The Broads of Lake Winnipesaukee Adjectives are like Rumplemintz or fluff in your hot cocoa…easy to get carried away with but usually ends with a splitting headache. This view across the broads took a bit of a hike off Wolfeboro Neck on Lake Winnipesaukee, and the 0 degree weather and extreme wind gusts made it shockingly cold…but beautiful. I tried to take my gloves off to press the shutter and my hands froze almost instantly. The moisture inside my nose froze, making a snot popsicle. You get the picture in more ways than one. Have a good weekend!
Lake Wentworth Sunrise

Lake Wentworth Sunrise Photo A crack of dawn wake-up reward…this photo was taken from the Bridge Falls path where the tracks split Fernald Basin from Wentworth. Wentworth freezes several weeks before Winnipesaukee and usually a week or so before Crescent Lake due to currents from the Smith river canal and the the Smith river dam that drain into Back Bay,Winnipesaukee. Wentworth is also relatively shallow with the deepest point at around 60ft out at Fuller’s Deep. The ice must be at least 8 inches thick now because i saw Stu pulling his winnebago “ice Palace” fish house out on the ice this afternoon. I’ll get a shot sometime this week. Update: Below I’ve posted a bonus image from a summer sunrise over Lake Wentworth