Lake Winnipesaukee From Black Snout

Just down the southeast ridge of Mount Shaw is an exposed ledge called Black snout where this photo of Lake Winnipesaukee was taken yesterday.   Because of the dense tree cover on the south side of Mt. Shaw, Black Snout is really the best place to get a picture toward the south.  I'm stitching a panorama together that shows pretty much the entire lake.  The photos still don't do it justice.

Painfully Beautiful, The Broads

Adjectives are like Rumplemintz or fluff in your hot cocoa…easy to get carried away with but usually ends with a splitting headache. This view across the broads took a bit of a hike off Wolfeboro Neck on Lake Winnipesaukee, and the 10 degree weather and extreme wind gusts made it shockingly cold…but beautiful.  Have a good weekend!

Melvin Village from Winnipesaukee

Some lunch breaks are better than others.   I had an extra hour to see if the eagles were out and made my way behind Chase and Melvin island.  No eagles but this crystal clear winter day provided a nice view of Melvin Village with the Ossipee Range as the backdrop.  A distance of about 2.5 miles as the crow flies.  (click photo to enlarge and magnify)

In Search of Bald Eagles

 Year-round Cow Island resident and co-worker "Island BoB" Parmenter gave me a recent tip on several Bald Eagle sightings out near Melvin Island on Lake Winnepesaukee this past week.  Today was the first day I was able to grab my gear and make the trek out across the ice to see if I could get a photo of the elusive bird. After a careful approach and survey of several 50ft tall wind-mangled pines on the small island, I concluded that nobody was home.  I decided to park myself under a pine behind a large snowdrift and wait it out for an hour or so.  No sooner than I had planted my rear end on the ground, an enormous bird of prey lifted off its perch directly overhead.   Let's just say I was real impressed with myself and missed the shot.   I'll be back…

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